Season's Greetings!
Welcome to the 2023 Edition of
I asked ChatGPT to come up with the opening line of an end of year newsletter because I was stuck. The first round of submissions started with "As the final pages of the calendar turn, we find ourselves standing at
the intersection of reflection and anticipation, ready to bid farewell
to another chapter of our collective journey."
I requested that it rework the entries to be a little less pretentious. It did not disappoint with, "Alright, folks! The year's almost over, and it's time to look back at
the crazy ride we've had. Buckle up for the highlights and lowlights of
(If you'd like to see the full lists of both requests, and they are pretty hilarious, click here:
So now that I have my opening, let's get caught up!
Since March, Lisette has been working remotely for Best Buddies International's headquarters on the Government Relations team. She secures government funding for their Jobs Program, which helps individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities obtain integrated employment opportunities. Lisette is living in Austin and loves being close to our pup, Ruby and our kitty, Marie. (And her family, I guess, but mainly the furry babies!)
Lisette and Gordon attended the Austin City Limits music festival together this year.
Lisette and her roommate Lillie.
Lisette and her boyfriend, Chase, traveled to Washington DC to visit
friends and almost kidnapped a dog.
In June we became a house without teenagers when Asher turned 20 years old. His girlfriend, Davis, flew to Austin to help us celebrate.
Asher is currently in his junior year at Samford University pursuing a degree in Accounting, serving as the VP of Administration and Finance for the Interfraternity Council and applying for internships for his senior year. He plans to stay at Samford through 2026 to complete his Masters Degree.
On May 23 we celebrated having my mother on this earth for 80 years. Unfortunately, we were not able to celebrate with her in person as she was gifted a positive COVID test for her birthday. She made it through the quarantine period unscathed, but very bored (praise God) and we were able to resume our weekly lunches quickly. We are thankful every day for her health and for her continued presence in our lives!

In May I also closed out my first year as Academic and College Advisor for Veritas Academy. I enjoyed helping our students plan their academic schedules and navigate the ins and outs of college applications. I absolutely adored traveling and learning about different colleges and universities and their respective communities. I loved it so much that every time I set foot on a college/university campus I felt called to be in THAT environment - the world of higher education. So I started searching job listings at the University of Texas. Long story short, on August 14 I started as the Office Manager for the Department of Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas.
The journey to this job - and the job itself - is 100% a God thing and I will be happy to relate the entire journey over dinner or a cup of coffee. I'm exactly where I am supposed to be doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing. I love everything about this job and the people with whom I work. Every day when I see the UT Tower, I smile and thank God for where He has placed me. And, as an added bonus, my brother teaches in the Department, so it's a family affair!
But the best part about 2023 was when I became a great aunt in August.
Introducing Josephine Marie - my brother's granddaughter!
She's absolutely perfect. We are more in love with her every day.
Gordon's niece, Madeline, married the love of her life, Will, on May 13. We had a wonderful time celebrating with the Falk family and getting to know Will and his family.
All the siblings together to celebrate!
Welcome to the family, Will!
In October, Gordon flew to Chicago to celebrate what would have been his brother, Scott's, 60th birthday. All of the siblings were able to attend and participate in the Red Cross blood drive that was held in Scott's honor. (Scott was very active in the Red Cross and was a huge advocate for blood donation.)
Becky, Gordon, Maggie, Kim and Tammy with Scott's Red Cross vest he wore on
several occasions while volunteering.
Tragically, two weeks after Scott's event, Gordon's younger sister, Becky, passed away in her sleep. The loss of our FAB (Fabulous Aunt Becky) is immense. There will never be another like her. We were comforted by the vast outpouring of love from her friends and colleagues. Her memorial service was standing room only and just confirmed what we already knew - that she was exceptional and is irreplaceable.
And that brings us to the "intersection of reflection and anticipation".
Reflections on 2023: Savor every moment with family and friends. Tell someone that you love them NOW. Tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone so make today count. And life is too short not to chase your dream job.
Anticipation for 2024: To savor every moment with family and friends!
If you are reading this - WE LOVE YOU and you are special to our family. Thank you for being a part of our lives, however far away you are geographically. We are thankful for YOU!
Merry Christmas
May you experience the Joy that was brought into the world through
Jesus Christ this holiday season.
With love from the Falk Family